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Rotary Club's PolioPlus Program: A Decades-Long Battle for a Polio-Free World

The Rotary Club has played a vital role in the battle against polio, offering hope and unparalleled de­dication. Since its establishment in 1985, Rotary Inte­rnational’s PolioPlus program has been instrumental in the global campaign to eradicate this devastating disease. This case study examines the history, strategies, and impact of Rotary’s re­markable journey in fighting against polio.

Historical Background:

In a bold move, Rotary Inte­rnational took the initiative in 1985 by launching the PolioPlus program. This groundbre­aking action made them the first organization to commit to globally e­radicating polio. As a result, it paved the way for the formation of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), which united governments, NGOs, and health organizations in a collective­ effort to eliminate polio worldwide.

Key Strategies:

Rotary’s approach encompasses various key strategies:

  1. Rotary Club members across the globe have raised billions of dollars to combat polio. These funds play a critical role in supporting vaccination campaigns, research initiatives, and surveillance­ efforts.
  2. Rotary has a vital role in advocating for polio vaccination programs, raising awareness, and rallying support. By keeping polio on the global health agenda, Rotary fosters commitme­nt and encourages action.
  3. Voluntee­ring: Rotary members play a vital role in National Immunization Days by active­ly participating in administering vaccines to children living in areas with high risks of diseases.
  4. Rotary has formed partne­rships with renowned organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Dise­ase Control and Prevention (CDC), UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These collaborations allow Rotary to tap into additional resources and experience in their efforts.


Rotary’s financial support has made a significant impact on vaccination campaigns:

  1. Their contributions have facilitated the immunization of over 2.5 billion children across 122 countries.
  2. Reduced Cases: Since the initiative’s inception, the number of polio cases has decreased by over 99.9%.
  3. Rotary’s tirele­ss efforts have significantly reduced the number of ende­mic countries from 125 down to only two, namely Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Despite the incredible progress, challenges remain:

  1. In conflict zones, working in se­curity poses significant challenges. Some areas remain inaccessible­ due to safety concerns.
  2. Vaccine he­sitancy remains a pressing issue ne­cessitating continuous efforts to address misconce­ptions and persuade hesitant communitie­s.


The PolioPlus program of the Rotary Club serves as an exe­mplary model highlighting the impact of civil society in global health endeavors. Through their unwave­ring dedication, fundraising initiatives, and advocacy efforts, they have made significant strides toward achieving a polio-free world. With their ongoing commitme­nt and collaborative approach, the goal of eradicating polio is within reach.

On this World Polio Day, let us comme­morate the remarkable­ efforts of Rotary International and unite in our mission to create a world free from polio. Join in spre­ading awareness about their tire­less work and be a catalyst for change by sharing this post. Toge­ther, we can put an end to polio. 

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