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Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai's Effort to Provide QR based identification to Stray Dogs

Trail the Tail phase 1

Trail the Tail: Empowering Stray Dogs with QR Codes

In a heartwarming initiative spearheaded by the Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai and Pawfriend.in, stray dogs in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, are being equipped with QR-coded tags, transforming their lives and well-being. This innovative project, aptly named “Trail the Tail,” has garnered immense appreciation and support from animal lovers and activists alike.

The QR codes, strategically attached to the dogs’ collars, hold valuable information about the dog’s location, immunization record, and contact details of their feeders. This readily accessible information proves to be a game-changer in ensuring the well-being of these often overlooked creatures.

Phase 1 of the project, held on Sunday, October 8, 2023, witnessed the dedication of volunteers from the Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai, local activist Seema Tank, and the team at Pawfriend.in. Their combined efforts resulted in the successful tagging of numerous stray dogs, paving the way for a more secure and informed future for these animals.

The Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai expresses its gratitude to Newsband and Hindustan Times for their extensive coverage of the project. This media attention has undoubtedly amplified the project’s reach, attracting the attention of animal lovers, activists, and potential volunteers eager to join the cause.

The club also extends its heartfelt appreciation to Akshay Ridlan for his unwavering support and to the Rotaractors who actively participated in Phase 1 of the drive. Their commitment to the project has been instrumental in its success.

The Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai has established a yearlong partnership with Pawfriend.in as the “Animal Welfare Partner.” This collaboration signifies their shared commitment to improving the lives of stray dogs, ensuring their well-being “one paw at a time.”

To learn more about this remarkable initiative and contribute to its success, readers are encouraged to visit the project’s Instagram page.

The Trail the Tail project stands as a beacon of hope for stray dogs, empowering them with a unique identity and access to essential care. It is a testament to the compassion and dedication of organizations like the Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai and Pawfriend.in, whose efforts are transforming the lives of these vulnerable animals.