Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai

Self-Development: Fellowship through Service 

Know Who We Are

What is Rotaract For Us- Ditch the conventional bookish meaning, We Smart Citizens have a new definition of Rotaract!

Rotaract is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change.

With people of ages 16-30, Rotaract integrates people to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills and have fun through service. From cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities. Help us change lives locally and around the world.

Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai
Our Core Values


We at Rotaract believe in being honest, transparent, and ethical in all our dealings. We create an environment of trust among each other and take accountability for our actions.


We believe in empowering our members by providing opportunities for self-development through continuous learning. We nurture our members to expand their capabilities and excel as leaders.


We are driven by our passion towards fulfilling our duties and responsibilities. We believe in staying focused on achieving our organizational goals. We embrace the culture of adaptability and perseverance in all our actions.


We, in Rotaract celebrate a culture of diversity, wherein we welcome, accept and appreciate every individual. We encourage the spirit of participation in our members by providing an unbiased and secure environment.


Through our actions, we believe in creating a positive and sustainable impact on our members, organization and the community.

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What Our Members Say
Rtr. Omkar Kadam Vice President 22-23

Being a part of Rotaract has been a great help for me and my startup. It has helped me to Network and reach out to many people by means of mouth-to-mouth publicity, social media support, etc. It’s true that Rotaract gives you more than what you give to Rotaract. when things were in lock-down, I along with Rotaract Club of Smart City Navi Mumbai started with Quarantine Bioscope - An Online Short Film Festival. Getting speakers, celebrities for Rotaract projects has helped me to connect with a lot of famous personalities. And 3 years down the line it has become one of the finest International short film festival.

Rtr. Rohit Chandrambeth Finance Chair 22-23

My motto is to promote financial education among youth. Rotaract has given me that platform to reach out to the youths and encourage them to micromanage their finances. I have conducted many sessions on financial Literacy which has helped me in managing their financial portfolios. A win win situation for both, I get to expand my business and the youth learn to manage their finances.

Rtr. Zain Bamne Training, Revival & Sustenance Chair 23-24

In the month of February 2020 i started getting panic attacks and with no time it started draining my energy. I would sometimes feel that i’m going to fall and there would be no one to help me. In July 2020 I joined Rotaract after seeing a PR message related to my condition. Rotaract made me aware of mental health and it's importance. I was a overthinker, most of my thoughts were negative and always about that people around me are judging me. Being a part of Rotaract gave me an opportunity to interact with people and explore various things which in turn helped me to stay active and not get bogged down by my own mind.

Rtr. Aaquib Khan Training, Revival & Sustenance chai, Sargeant at Arms & President Elect 23-24

Rotaract has helped in alot of ways one of which is getting good friends throughout the movement, let it be some project, Installations, Red or Rise. In RED as I was the Assistant Contingent Leader for Zone 1. I Got to interact with all the participants daily, which also helped me make some good friends.

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