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Point of view: Time Traveller Stuck in Mahabharat

Point of view: Time Traveller Stuck in Mahabharat   Many questions remain unanswered. I met most of them but still a puzzle. Why these 18 days of war? Why this brotherhood rivalry? Why a newborn was left floating in the river? Did I witness Lord Indra before my eyes? What is this happening it is […]

What Song Lyrics Do You Consider Literature?

What song lyrics do you consider Literature? “धुंदी कळ्यांना, धुंदी फुलांनाशब्दरूप आले मुक्या भावनांना” “When the buds are in a daze, ears are in daze silent words find an emotion to express” For me, every piece of music is literature, and every piece of prose is music. The nature footsteps that come on my way […]

Life is Like a Cup of Tea

Life is Like a Cup of Tea Moments in life that feel like a warm cup of tea in the thundering rain  This quote takes me toward that Himalayan Mountain, covered with a white sheet of snow. Oh, what a pleasant experience it was I still get nostalgic thinking about that. I went there in […]